Wednesday, November 19, 2008

PowerShell V2 – CTP3 Coming soon

At TechEd Barcelona, Microsoft did not (as I’d expected) release the latest beta version of PowerShell V2. For a variety of reasons, the next community technology preview (aka interim beta) will not be released until December. What was more annoying was that Microsoft DID give away updated PowerShell bits at PDC, the week prior to TechEd. The lack of updated software was a real disappointment and for me an others, diminished the value of TechEd.

But despite the lack of updated code, MS present a number of PowerShell sessions that showcased many of the new features coming to PowerShell in V2. Some of these (eg the try/catch/finally constructs) are in CTP2, but many are new.

Oisin Grehan had provided a brief look at new, changed, and removed Cmdlets coming to the next CTP. His article, Changes from CTP2 in PowerShell 2.0 in the Windows 7 M3 “PDC” Build looks at the changes he noticed in the Windows 7 code he picked up at PDC. As you can see, there are several new and updated areas to explore which include:

  • PSSession, the new name for runspaces, with far more control available
  • The remoting story gets richer with WSMAN related cmdlets.
  • You can now get performance counters direct into PowerShell (ie not via WMI)
  • Better event log handling
  • Control over BITS
  • Transactions

I’ll be looking at all these new areas, once I get working code.

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