Sunday, May 18, 2008

PowerShell on Server Core

One of my true delights, as a PowerShell MVP, has been to see the incredible PowerShell community grow and attract some really super smart people. Dmitry's another of those incredible people who's brought so much to the community (e.g. the PowerShell AD cmdlets - Dmitry's from Quest!).

And now he's gone and done it again. His blog post:PowerShell on Server Core does what you expect from a title of that name - it tells you how to get Server Core run PowerShell.

This is cool. Seriously cool, albeit very unsupported. Would I deploy this to a production network? Er, no.  Do I have it running in my lab at home? Well - not yet. But only because I've not been home enough recently to actually try this. :-)

Despite the non-supported nature, well done and thanks. VERY Cool!

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